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When you click on NOW, you can find the Belga TEXT news feed.

The list

At the moment you open our NOW news feed, the platform will show you the most recent articles. To see more, you can scroll down. The list will be automatically refreshed, you do not have to refresh your browser window to see the latest articles.

Every article has a title and time of publishing. The most recent article on top will also show you a small part of the body text. In the case there are multiple photos added to an article, this is represented by the orange number on top of the photo thumbnail.

A red label indicates an ALERT, a yellow label indicates the updated articles. On ‘updates’, next to the label will be stated what has changed compared to the previous article.

Other indications are: ORANGE: a TOPIC: click to see all Belga items about this topic. Related articles/documents/links…: indicates there are extra archive documents or other information added to this article.

Click to see the complete content of an article.

The detail

By clicking an article in the list, you can see the full content of an article.

If there are multiple pictures available, use the navigation arrows to browse them. You can click on them to enlarge.

When the article has a topic (orange) above the title, you can click on it to see all articles regarding this topic. When the article is an update of a previous one, you can see the item history at the bottom.

When available, extra related documents, useful links or archive articles are listed below the article.

Via the navigation you can easily browse to the previous or next article.

You can PRINT, E-MAIL an article or generate a LINK to this article by using the action buttons in the bar above the article detail.

Click on the X-icon to close the article.

NOW filter

The NOW filter lets you define what you see in your screen, updated in real-time.

You can filter on a word, language or news desk.

In our NOW-service you can save up to 20 personal filters. Define your criteria and click SAVE to maintain as your personal filter. Via MY FILTER(S) you can change or activate these at any time.


It’s easy to see what Belga published about a certain editorial TOPIC.

In the list view or detail view, click on the TOPIC (orange) title above the title of the article. The current box content will be replaced by a list of articles having the same topic. Click on a title to read the article.

Click on the X-icon to return to the previous screen.

Updates and languages

In BelgaGov you can track the updates and history of a certain article. In the case of an update of a previous article, the yellow UPDATE label will be shown with extra information about the changes. Hover your mouse over a tooltip to see the history of an item. Click in it to see the detail.

Like article history, BelgaGov will show you if there are articles available in another language.

Picture slider

A click on a pic will open the ‘picture slider’. Each photo will be showed with its relevant metadata (click on ‘i’ to show or hide this information).
Click on the x-icon to close.

When you click on DOWNLOAD, you will be referred to the BelgaImage portal. You can, if you have a login for BelgaImage, download the photo in high resolution.

Updated on 20/02/2017

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