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The list

MULTIMEDIA will show you by default all Belga audio and video productions of last week.

Change the filter to see the content of your choice.

Every item has a title, thumbnail and publishing timestamp. The list will be updated automatically. Click on a title to see the full content.

The detail

When you click on an item, the content will be shown in the opposite box.

You can DOWNLOAD and E-MAIL an item or generate a LINK to this article by using the action buttons in the bar above the item detail.

Click on the X-icon to close the item.

Multimedia filter

The MULTIMEDIA filter allows you to filter the feed to your needs.

You can filter on keyword, language, region, news desk or type.

For search queries, use our search module.

When you are looking for specific information or a specific item, use the search.

More information about our search engine can be found in the chapter ‘search’ of this manual.

Updated on 20/02/2017

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