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  3. Introduction & Registration

Introduction & Registration

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What is BelgaGov?

BelgaGov is a ‘digital toolbox’ for our government clients. It’s our 24/7 anywhere anytime anydevice access to all of the services in your Belga contract. Besides a complete and richly documented multimedia news feed, you’ll find a lot of practical tools like ‘Agenda’, ‘Pictures’, ‘Press Releases’… and more.

This service is offered exclusively to registered users.


In order to sign up yourself on BelgaGov, you have to be an eligible employee of one of the following organisations:

  • Europees Parlement – Parlement Européen
  • Vlaams Parlement
  • Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft
  • Vlaamse Overheid
  • Gouvernement Wallon
  • Parlement Wallon
  • Brussels Parlement – Parlement Bruxellois
  • Parlement de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
  • Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles
  • Gouvernement de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale – Brusselse Hoofdstedelijke Regering
  • Senaat / Sénat
  • Federale Overheid – Gouvernement fédéral

It is mandatory to use your professional e-mail address, e.g. your.name@minfin.fgov.be

If you want to sign up:

Your superuser will have to confirm by approving your registration. Once your registration has been approved, you will receive a confirmation e-mail.


Getting started


Enter your username and password and click on LOGIN or hit ENTER on the keyboard to start with BelgaGov.

For safety reasons, your login can be used in 1 browser at the same time. If a colleague wants to use BelgaGov as well, he or she can register for an extra account. BelgaGov accounts are strictly personal: 1 account for each.

Forgot your password?

If you can’t remember you password:

After completing the form, you will receive an email with a link to a page where you can reset your password. 

Sign up now

Do you have a colleague without own credentials for BelgaGov?
Invite him or her to register here.
Every request will be processed asap.

Suggestions are welcome

BelgaGov is in a process of continuous development and new features can be added over time.

Belga would like to hear from you! We’d appreciate your suggestions about current or future features and this knowledgebase website. Please contact us via info@belga.be .


Updated on 20/02/2017

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