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Coming up
COMING UP will show you by default our Belga production schedule for the next coming hours. It’s a live view in our editorial platform, it enables you to see which articles you can expect in the near future.
To see more, you can scroll up and down. The list will be automatically refreshed.
Each item will show you in the grey dot whether Belga will publish a Text (=T), Picture (=P) or Video (=V) about this item. When one of those scheduled items is already available, the grey dot will become green.
Items below the -NOW- line are still on schedule. Items that might be delayed, are visible above the line.
When the label TBC (To Be Confirmed) is added to a topic, the editorial staff will primarily investigate the topic before committing on the publication of that article and its timing.
Items that are removed from the schedule, will be labeled with CANCELED.
If you might have questions regarding an article, click QUESTION to get in touch with our editors.
Coming up filter
The Coming up filter allow you to see only the information you are interested in.
You can filter on keyword, language, coverage type or status.