Introduction & Registration What is BelgaBox? BelgaBox is a ‘digital toolbox’ for professional journalists. It provides them with a complete and richly documented...
Getting started Once you have logged into BelgaBox, you will see a number of boxes. These boxes are called Belga Services, otherwise...
Search The purpose of the SEARCH function is to find one or many articles in the news that already has been...
Filters The purpose of a filter is to follow a live stream, tailored to your preference. To activate a filter, click...
Coming up Coming up COMING UP will show you by default our Belga production schedule for the next coming hours. It’s a...
Agenda The list AGENDA will show you by default all our agenda items for the coming week, grouped by day. To see...
Multimedia The list MULTIMEDIA will show you by default all Belga audio and video productions of last week. Change the filter to see...
Agencies The list AGENCIES will show you by default all content of all press agencies we have partnerships with. Change the...
Pictures The mosaic PICTURE will show you by default a tile mosaic view with recent images. Adjust the filter to your...